Could I fit an electrolysis or laser appointment in on my lunch break, or while my kids are at soccer practice?! The answer is, Quite Possibly!

For Electrolysis the answer is easy, appointments are booked in 15min intervals so it will depend on how much hair we are removing, and how long you want to book an appointment for. Appointments can be booked anywhere from a 5min clean up to a 15min, 30min, 45min appointment, or by the hour. If this is your first visit, plan an extra 10-15min for initial paperwork.

Laser appointment timing is based on the size of the area being treated. Small areas will take up to 15min. A small area is considered upper lip, side burns, ears, chin, basic bikini, underarms, etc. A medium area would take approx 20-25min. Medium is shoulders, forearms, chest, upper or lower legs, brazilian, etc. A large area would take 30-45 min. Large is considered full legs, entire back, entire arms etc. If this is your first visit, plan an extra 10-15min for initial paperwork.